Monday, 21 October 2013

What's in a name?

So 7 weeks into my year abroad and I've finally got around to writing a blog; I could blame it on being busy but the truth is, I've spent all this time trying to come up with a witty title - something funny (but not cringey) that would suit me perfectly. Taking into account various, ahem, happenings over the last few weeks (see facebook) I think it's safe to say that the 21st century definitely has a new tragic singleton - move over Bridget!

Right well first thing's first ... HELLO FROM SUNNY SPAIN! (Haha. Ha. Ha. Whoever coined that phrase has obviously never visited Santiago). And what a 7 weeks it's been! They say your year abroad is full of ups and downs and boy, were they right - although I'm having the time of my life, it's not always plain-sailing.

So anyway I made it here in one piece, after a - surprisingly - pleasant journey with RyanAir (watched Anastasia, cue "what the hell is this" look from guy sat next to me - um none of your business). After successfully navigating our way around Santiago airport, me and Amy made it to our hotel - our 'base' for the next 5 days while we tried to sort out uni things/find a flat/work out which bars offered the best tapas.


Me & Amy at Stansted Airport

Luckily, we both found places before starting uni on the Monday (more about this later) and so were able to get unpacked and settled before the hard work began. One thing I feel I have to mention is just how friendly the Spanish - or rather, Galician - people are. I've lost count of how many times we got lost during those first few days yet the people here are always so willing to help.

As for Santiago itself, it really is beautiful. Considering it was my third choice (after sunny Seville and Granada - sob), I'm so pleased to be here. Although a small city, there's so many things you can do; the ESN (Erasmus Student Network) here are great and are always planning 'fiestas' or trips away, as does SharinGalicia, and the people I've met so far have all been lovely; I've definitely made some friends for life. I can't wait to see what these next couple of months will bring!

View from the top of Santiago Cathedral

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